Support when it’s needed
The RMBFSI provides support for doctors and their families. Our help involves providing financial assistance in the form of grants.
Who we can help
Doctors resident in Ireland and their families who have little in the way of income and savings and are unable to support themselves financially due to illness, disability or because they are over state retirement age can apply for a grant. In 2019 a total of €64,000 was awarded to doctors and their dependants in thirty grants. In 2020 thirty grants were again awarded, amounting to €76,700 in total money granted.
How to apply
Applications can be:
1. Direct self-referrals
Sick doctors or their families contact the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Communication Department. They are provided with the contact details of the Secretary/Treasurer of the RMBFS.
2. By a GP
A doctor’s General Practitioner contacts the Society themselves on behalf of their patient.
3. Through the Practitioners Health Matter Programme
4. Through the St Vincent De Paul
5. Through Social Workers based in Hospitals
Application and assessment process
This is a four step confidential process. To request an application form please email: [email protected]
Step 1 – Submit an application
A completed application form, signed by two practising doctors (one of whom should be the applicant’s GP), is submitted to the Secretary–Treasurer of the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ireland.
Step 2 – Verifying applicant’s information
The applicant is contacted by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society to verify their identity and their financial situation.
Step 3 – Needs assessment
A social worker visits the applicant and a full report is submitted to the Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Society of Ireland Central Committee. The report provides the Central Committee with a needs assessment and recommendation.
Step 4 – Decision
The report and application is reviewed by the Central Committee. A decision is made about whether or not to award the grant. The applicant is advised of the outcome of the review process. If an award is being made, the detail and structure of the award is finalised and communicated to the applicant.
Words of thanks
“Words cannot express how gratefully appreciative and thankful I am to the Fund.”
Retired Doctor, Co. Kerry
“I really want to thank the fund for all the help that you provided to me, during the time of my greatest need and at a time of great financial uncertainty”
Widow of a Doctor